TS_STAB_23_Fuel cell

STABILITY OF PLATINUM NANOPARTICLES IN FUEL CELLS Effect of solvent polarity INTRODUCTION Fuel cells have been extensively studied during these last decades as they appear as environmentally friendly power sources. They convert the chemicals hydrogen and oxygen into water and electricity, via a reaction between fuel (on the anode side) and an oxidant (on the

Rapport d’analyse Turbiscan IFV

Rapport d’analyse Turbiscan IFV La technologie Turbiscan consiste à mesurer la lumière transmise et rétrodiffusée tous les 40µm sur la hauteur de l’échantillon, afin de détecter et quantifier les variations de taille (coalescence, floculation) et séparations de phases (sédimentation, crémage). Download Application Report

TS_STAB_22_CNT dispersibility

DISPERSIBILITY OF MULTIWALLED CARBON NANOTUBES INTRODUCTION Carbon nanotubes have attracted a vast amount of attention because of their exceptional electrical, thermal and mechanical properties. Many research groups are currently working on their incorporation in various materials to enhance their physical properties. However, one of the major issue they are facing is the difficulty to disperse

Differential Thermal Analyzer (DTA)

Differential Thermal Analyzere (DTA) The DTA Differential Thermal Analyzer easures temperature differences sample/reference as a function of Temperature or time. The thermocouples monitor the temperature differential between the sample and an inert reference as the sample undergoes a transition or reaction. This temperature differential is reported in differential temperature on the Y axis and temperature

TS_STAB_18_Preformulation of double emulsion

HLB EFFECT ON DOUBLE EMULSION (DONE IN COLLABORATION WITH ADEMTECH) INTRODUCTION Double emulsions are colloidal systems of great interest for the cosmetics industry as they enable to encapsulate both hydrophilic and lipophilic molecules. However, their formulation is very delicate and requires an important know how. Their characterization is also quite limited with classical techniques that,

Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)

Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) The Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) is a powerful instrument that measures the energy absorbed or released as a function of time or a controlled temperature profile. The sensor of the DSC is the heat flux plate which is designed to give superior performance and reliability. The heat flux plate is capable

TS_STAB_06_Stability prediction

STATIC MULTIPLE LIGHT SCATTERING TO PREDICT LONTERM STABILITY OF EMULSIONS WITH POLYMERS INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE MICROSCOPIC APPROACH Polymers are widely used in the industry to control viscosity, provide end use properties and enhance the shelf life. At high concentration, the polymer stabilizes the emulsion forming a percolated network, which can persist for a very long

TS_STAB_05_Stability diagram

STATIC MULTIPLE LIGHT SCATTERING TO PREDICT LONG TERM STABILITY OF EMULSIONS WITH POLYMERS INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE MICROSCOPIC APPROACH Polymers are widely used in the industry to control viscosity, provide end use properties and enhance the shelf life. At high concentration, the polymer stabilizes the emulsion forming a percolated network, which can persist for a very

TS_SIZE_05_Milling effect

Size and stability control during wet nanomilling using SMLS technology The demand for nanoparticles has been rapidly increasing with the growing nanomaterials applications – from construction and coatings to energy, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. The particles are mainly preperd in a milling process during which bigger particles are reduced in size to meet the requirements