Transmission, sorption and diffusivity methods for determining the transport of water vapour through films

Transmission, sorption and diffusivity: methods for determining the transport of water vapour through films   The transport of water molecules through solids is commonplace and of significance to diverse industries. Broadlyspeaking the interest lies in preventing ingress of water vapourand the associated product protection. Equally there areapplications dependent on the transport of water vapour suchas

The determination of the pore size distribution of an activated carbon using Dubinin Astakhov analysis of CO2 adsorption at 273 K

The determination of the pore size distribution of an activated carbon using Dubinin-Astakhov analysis of CO2 adsorption at 273 K Activated carbons are porous carbonaceous materials that serve a broad range of practical applications including catalysis, gas purification and separation, and other vapour and liquid phase adsorption-based technologies. The pore structure, as well as the

The activation of LaNi5-H

The activation of LaNi5-H Hydrogen absorption by LaNi5 was first studied by Neumann in the late 1960’s , and its potential as a hydrogen storage material was subsequently recognized by van Vucht et al. . Justi et al. later suggested using the compound as a battery electrode material, although there are a number of practical

Quantifying carbonate concentration alongside the measurement of isotope

Quantifying carbonate concentration alongside the measurement of isotope ratios in sediment samples via continuous flow IRMS analysis Rationale: The measurement of δ18O and δ13C in carbonate samples has become standard practice for the reconstruction of past climate and oceanographic conditions. Besides the measurement of biogenic carbonates, e.g., foraminifera, brachiopods or corals, bulk sediment containing variable

Measuring carbon balances and greenhouse gas fluxes in soils at the Wolfson

Measuring carbon balances and greenhouse gas fluxes in soils at the Wolfson field laboratory Cranfield University and Sercon have together developed an automated lysimeter array which is used to study carbon balances and greenhouse gas fluxes in soils under semi-natural field conditions with controlled temperature and moisture. The Wolfson field laboratory comprises 24 hydrologically-isolated lysimeters

Measurement of the water sorption properties of a Ritz Cracker sample

Measurement of the water sorption properties of a Ritz Cracker sample All the reported measurements were performed using the standard Hiden Isochema IGAsorp instrument (see technical data sheet 143) with a refrigerated water bath to thermostat the sample chamber. The IGAsorp is a fully automated system, which allows the accurate and efficient determination of moisture

Dynamic vapour sorption (DVS) characterisation and MVTR properties in pharmaceutical materials

Dynamic vapour sorption (DVS) characterisation and MVTR properties in pharmaceutical materials Traditional methods of analysing moisture sorption in pharmaceutical materials are labour intensive both in operation and maintenance as well as providing information of limited accuracy. Modern automated gravimetric Dynamic Vapour Sorption (DVS) analysers can accurately measure both the equilibrium capacity and the kinetics of