Pressure DSC is differential scanning Calorimetry under
either high or low-pressure conditions. Raw materials and
finished products are often processed or intended for use at
conditions other than ambient temperature and pressure.
Conventional calorimetry characterizes well the physical
and chemical properties of materials. Now, pressure DSC
extends characterization of materials to extreme pressures.
A calorimeter measures phase changes, reactions or
processes that absorb or release heat. A pressure DSC
measures the effects of pressure on these measurements.
DSC results are often different for samples analyzed in open
versus hermetically sealed pans due to changes in pressure
inside sealed pans. Pressure DSC controls pressure to study
and understand the reason for those differences. Materials
processed at conditions other than ambient temperature or
products designed for extreme end use conditions can be
better characterized at operating conditions using a
controlled pressure DSC. The heart of the pressure DSC is a
heat flux plate designed for to measure small energy
changes with reliability versus not just versus temperature
but also versus pressure.