The IGA-001 is a dedicated single component gas sorption analyzer for the study of gas interactions with both solids and liquids. Incorporating an ultra-sensitive microbalance, the IGA-001 measures changes in sample mass as a function of temperature and pressure. The unique IGA method analyzes real time gravimetric data to determine kinetic parameters and simultaneously predict sorption equilibrium.


  • Versatile and suitable for use with a wide range of gases, materials and methods
  • Active pressure regulation from submillibar to 20 bar
  • Fully programmable for advanced method development
  • Unrivalled long term stability and continuous weight measurement
  • Sample temperatures from 77 K to 1000 °C
  • Fully upgradeable for dynamic and vapor sorption capability
  • Unrivalled measurement precision, accuracy and repeatability  
  • Complete isothermal, isobaric and kinetic analysis from vacuum to 20 bar
  • Fast and accurate analysis of equilibria and kinetics using the IGA method